A Return To WordPress

Am I back? No.

However, I still use WordPress when I want to create a new website, which has happened here.

Is this a new website? Technically, yes, but the domain is again under my control and not likely to fall under someone or something else’s control going forward.

Does the phrase “pried from my cold, dead hands” ring and bells? You can believe that must happen for Cais.co to leave my care, again.

So, there’s that. Will this be enough for me to start writing again and leave this digitized journal version to posterity? Time will tell.

I write, think, and write some more. I overthink my writing and paint myself into a marvelously designed corner of writer’s block. I’ve been caught in this vicious cycle too many times to count lately, with the latest victim being a promising work of fantasy fiction: The Bellweather Chronicles (feel free to visit ReiStache.com for some first-draft excerpts).

Now, with all that said. I do like to write in markdown. I like it so much that I would much rather spend weeks looking for just the right platform to use rather than continuing with the aggravating, frustrating, disappointing thing I fondly remember as WordPress.

Some may say that progress requires change, but too much change morphs the thing into something it no longer serves. A thing that is now mostly too difficult for the average Luddite to use easily. Lost to the masses is the democratization of publishing, a thing formerly known as WordPress.

What is being called WordPress today is different from the product or platform that enamored me in the past to the degree that I turned in my 25-year career in warehouse management to start over in technical support.

I have no regrets about making the change. There have been challenges, but today, I serve in a role that lets me help people help people, and I couldn’t be more satisfied with the work or feel more fulfilled—something I was led to believe would happen but never did within the WordPress ecosystem.

~ Cais.